Coverage & Anisotropy Toolkit

I have developed numerous algorithms in order to search for small and large scale anisotropies in the ultrahigh energy cosmic ray (UHECR) radiation. These methods together with the exposure estimation methods are gathered into the Coverage & Anisotropy Toolkit. It is a set of C++/ROOT programs I have developed for the Pierre Auger Collaboration.

The Coverage & Anisotropy Toolkit can be used to simulate events according to the geometrical exposure of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Besides, the simulated events can be generated in order to follow any anisotropic patterns on the sky and/or any temporal modulation to simulate for example detector dead time. This software also allows the users to smooth maps with any beam window; compute the statistical significance of an excess in any direction of the sky; estimate the angular power spectrum of the events; compute their angular correlation function; search for a dipolar modulation and perform harmonic analysis to the right ascension distribution of the events.

The Coverage & Anisotropy Toolkit is extensively used in the Pierre Auger Collaboration to carry out anisotropy studies. The code is available here on my GitHub. We show below some outputs of the code.